Norton Junction

So it’s been a few months since our last post. Towards the end of last year, we had a period away from the boat, whilst a job we’d had done previously was rectified, well to a fashion anyway. Our arrival back at Yelvertoft was further delayed, due to the winter stoppage at Watford Locks, so we only arrived back on our home mooring, the week before Christmas. Over the winter months, we have put right a few of the issues we had, and today, finally, we were ready to commence the annual cruise. The boat is ship shape with a few additions, including anchor and life jackets, as we plan to spend time on the Thames this year. This morning after breakfast, we unplugged the umbilical cord from the mains electric, and reversed off our mooring into a fairly breezy Marina. Turning left, we headed south towards Crick and its wet tunnel. The winter has been very dry, and we did not get the usual drenching, we were expecting. The transit through the tunnel was unopposed, and it was a few hundred yards further on, that we spotted a lamb in the cut. It was barely able to keep it head out of the water. After a bit of manoeuvring we managed to get the rear of the boat within a couple of yards of the lamb then using the boat pole lifted it onto the bank. The lamb did move its legs a bit as we were lifting, but it was clearly exhausted, it was however still breathing. On arrival at the top of Watford Locks, we had a short wait whilst another boat ascended the staircase.

Waiting above Watford Top Lock

We took the opportunity to have lunch, then on down the flight and passed Watford Gap services. About half an hour later we picked up a mooring at our usual spot just prior to Norton Junction and the Grand Union mainline Canal. We have no hard and fast plan this year, other than we need to be back in early October. So we will just have to see where we end up.

Mooring just prior to Norton Junction

Finally, we have had to set up a new blog site as the older one does not function well. It can still be accessed to look at old news at

Totals 7 Miles 7 Locks 1 Tunnel (1 Lamb)

6 thoughts on “Norton Junction

  1. nb Achernar September 6, 2014 / 6:50 pm

    We are enjoying ourselves and we shared the locks with Malaise


  2. NB Cream Cracker April 10, 2015 / 7:25 am

    Nice to see you have some proper canal ware. Did you take Oscar in the garden centre? Winston thought it was heaven, so many things at nose height. .


  3. NB Cream Cracker October 4, 2015 / 6:15 am

    Welcome back, enjoy Sunday lunch. Will look out for you on our walks.


  4. nb Achernar October 4, 2015 / 8:52 am

    We will be nipping into the marina briefly on Monday before we head off towards Debdale.


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